Varying the tones/tints/shades of a color and adding texture and pattern ensures that your monohuematic (using just one color) color scheme won't be monotonous!
The photo above may be a little too much of a good thing, but using empty frames on shelves, mantels or in a wall display creates unique graphic visual interest.

Enjoying Your Photos: If you're like me (not a scrapbooker) and have old photos stashed away in cabinets, why not purchase a large decorative bowl, basket or tray for the coffee table in your family room and put all of the loose photos in it? It's a good conversation starter and a nice way to be able to enjoy your photos when you're just hanging out. (I already know that the mom's with little ones who constantly have sticky fingers are questioning this idea, but I had to bring it up. :-))
Have a great day!