This really isn't meant to be an "eye candy" kind of kitchen post (we'll have to save that for another day! :-) ) but hopefully you will be able to find some creative ideas, advice, tips and resources that will be of help to you.

Painting cabinet interiors. Using glass front cabinets.

KITCHEN DESIGN TIPS: Jamie Goldberg of Jamie Goldberg Kitchen and Bath Design, LLC has a great blog called Gold Notes where you can find some informative posts on kitchen design. Here are just a couple of the ones that I thought you may find helpful: Sensible Style: 10 Small Kitchen Tips and Sensible Style: 10 Most Common Kitchen Problems and How To Avoid Them.

I've seen the options/resources below in kitchen design magazines. I haven't used them or researched them, but thought they looked interesting.
- Granite Transformations - installed over your existing countertop.
(EDIT: About an hour after I originally posted this I was catching up on the blogs I follow and noticed that The DIY Showoff did a post today about a kitchen makeover using liquid stainless steel and paint-on granite! How awesome is that? Be sure and check it out...)
DIY KITCHEN MAKEOVER BEFORE AND AFTERS Click HERE and HERE to see some amazing DIY kitchen makeovers. This one is just a little play kitchen, but how creative! What can we bake in our newly spruced up kitchens? How about these? :-) Mini Maple Pancake Muffins - Recipehere (Bakerella)
Have a great day!