I wanted to include the example below from Better Homes and Garden's "Dress a Door In a Drape" so that you could see how, when hung this way, you still see the kitchen but the drape actually attracts your attention and stops your eye from really focusing on the room beyond.

Have you ever used door drapes? If not, do you like the idea? Where would use this type of treatment in your home?
Did you noticed the dog silhouette art just beyond the drape in the photo at the beginning of this post? It can also be found at bhg.com.
Another great silhouette art example is from Karli at Rocky Bella. She recently created a silhouette art display in her entryway. The cute art that you see below is just one example. Didn't she do a great job? Go to her site to see the whole display and tutorial.

oh. and there's a giveaway here on Monday. :-)
If you're interested in creating a mood board for Mood Board Monday (happening on Nov 9th) click HERE for more information.
Happy Halloween! Hope you're all having a great weekend...