Bloggers Have The Biggest Hearts

Do you know Catherine from My Life & Loves?
She is a sweet blogger whose blog is as lovely
as she is!
She made my morning by passing this award my way.

Thanks Catherine! xo

The rules of the award are to share 10 things with you
that I love. So here it goes....

1) Dancing with my husband, (I have to admit he
is a much better dancer than me ~ I have
two left feet)! Speaking of which, it's been
awhile... hey, Tim, you reading this? xo

2) My faith. For me it helps knowing
there is a big guy up there looking out
for me. When life doesn't make sense
or seems out of control it helps me to
know there is a higher purpose and in
time it will all be revealed.

3) Listening to my kids laugh. There is
no greater joy in life than seeing your
kids happy. When they are upset
you suffer their pain, when they are
happy you feel their joy!

4) Watching a beautiful sunset. It just puts everything
into perspective for me.

5) I'm a bit of a bookworm. There is nothing better
than being engrossed in a great story. Lingering
over the books at the bookstore is a thrill for me.

6) Knowing I can always count on my BFF.
She is the one person who I can laugh or
cry with and she always knows the right
thing to say. (Thanks, Val) xo

7) Spending time at the ocean, ( this one needs no

8) Finding fabulous blogs and bloggers to connect with.
I feel like I have found my, "people." Honestly,
I haven't been blogging all that long and everyone
has been so warm and welcoming. It is great
to be part of such a special community.

9) As much as I complain about the New England
snow come January, there truly is nothing quite
as magical as the first snowfall of the season.

10) Frothy mugs of coffee. I can't help it,
it's my one vice. I don't drink, I don't smoke
but a girl needs her caffeine. Me & my Keurig
are very friendly.

Now I have the honor of forwarding
the award to five other lovely
friends and hopefully brighten
their day as well!

You know what I would really love?
I would love for you to leave a comment
sharing one thing that you really love!

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photo credits flickr, photonet & myself
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