Hello, Everyone! Hope you are all having a fabulous
week. I was tagged by the lovely, Rachael, of
It's Simple Love, to participate in My Favorite Things.
Here are a few of my favorite things, ( I can't type
that sentence without hearing Julie Andrews in my
head... how about you)?!
Candles! I love how lighting a simple candle can make
even the most ordinary moment seem special.
Even better when they are scented!
Handwritten letters and thank you cards. I think
this is a lost art. In a world of quick emails and texts
we rarely receive lovely scripted notes
these days. Doesn't it just brighten your day
when you receive a beautifully addressed
envelope containing words of endearment?
Flats ~ my latest obsession which does not seem to be
dying down anytime soon. Must be the practical side
of me, (kids will do that to you)! With all of the great
choices out there you can be comfortable and still
look cute.
Babies!! With a 17 & 14 year old it seems like it's been
a long time since I've had the pleasure of holding a
little one. I tend to ooh and aah like crazy when I
happen to come across a beautiful bundle of joy.
The proud parents usually share my excitement that
someone else is so enthralled with their precious
child! My favorite stage is about 6 months, chubby
cheeks, huge grins, possibly a tooth or two~ how could
one not make a scene!
Perfume ~ I just love how a certain scent can
transport you to another time and place. All it
takes is a whiff and you are engulfed in memories.
I would like to tag some new friends to
participate and share some of their favorite things:
Kayla of Sequins And Lace
Persis of Miles Of Style
Holly of Privet And Holly
Erika of Tiptoe Butterfly
Carrie of This Free Bird
Diana of One Crafty Fox