Refresh And Rewnew

It happens to all of us, we wear too
many hats, we forget to
take time for ourselves, we over
commit. We get burnt out.

Then we have to remind ourselves
if we want to be there for others,
than we need to take better care of

You can't give away what you don't
have and less face it, when you are
burnt out there is not a whole
lot left to give.

How are you doing? Are you
making time for yourself?
photo 1 ppebble, photos 2 + 4 house beautiful,
photo 3 becoming lola,

It's Sunday ~ take some time for yourself! Me?
I am taking a bunch of screaming 14 year olds to
a concert so I will be looking to find a little quiet time
come Monday! Don't forget to be good to yourself.
Have a wonderful day!

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