Saturday Celebrations

What are your plans for the weekend?
Today we will be going to a graduation
party for my niece, Audrey. I am so grateful
to have had the privilege of watching her
blossom from a young girl into such
a poised, confident, young woman.
We are truly kindred spirits ~ don't
even try to get a word in when you are
around the two of us ~ not going to happen!

It seems cliche but it really does seem like only yesterday
she was running under the sprinkler or dressing up as
an angel for Halloween. Acknowledging her flight
into adulthood is making me come to grips with the fact
that next year it will be my own son graduating
I only have one more year with him before he is off to college,
(excuse me while I get the Kleenex)!

Do any of you have graduates this year?
How are you dealing with cutting the apron strings?
Please pass on the wisdom ~ I only have a year to prepare!

(Audrey, I love you & you make me so proud ~ Congratulations)!

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