Reasons I Blog

Do you follow Poppies And Sunshine?
It is one of my favorite daily reads!
She made my day when I saw she
had forwarded the Blog With Substance Award

The rules are to select five words that
describe your blogging philosophy, motivation,
and experience.
There are so many reasons I love blogging
but will narrow it down to the top 5:

1) Creativity ~ I am happiest when I am doing something
creative and this has turned into a fantastic outlet for me!

2) Companionship ~ I have really connected with my, "blog sisters,"
it is the best community, isn't it?

3) Expression ~ I often had have a feeling of having so much to
say and not being heard ~ blogging gives you a voice!

4) Aesthetics ~ I have a heightened sensitivity to beauty and
blogging allows a platform to share and appreciate beautiful

5) Inspiration ~ All of the daily blogs I visit provide me with
endless inspiration and I hope you will draw
some inspiration from my daily posts!

I would like to forward this award to:

So why do you blog?

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