Thoughts For Sunday

We survived the first week of vacation with five
teens ~ our 2 kids brought a total of 3 friends.
I have to say that it went very smooth and that
they are all fantastic kids, very polite and eager
to help. Now we have a few days to mellow out
just as a family since the friends have all left.

There are benefits to having friends come along~
as the kids drove off for pizza in my son's car
hubby and I were able to stow away for
some one on one time and enjoyed some
great dinners!

It's nice to be able to enjoy being a couple and it brings
you back to who you both were before kids became
all encompassing!
images courtesy of apartment therapy

Wait, friends, come back! Did I send you home too
early? There are so many more quiet dinners to enjoy!
At least the laundry load will be lighter!

If you haven't entered my giveaway there is still plenty
of time. You can win a gift certificate to CSN stores to
spend as you please. Enter here ~ good luck!

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