Yesterday was an extremely frustrating day for me. We had a phone line issue and completely lost internet service. I had prescheduled my post, so that wasn't a problem, but rather than completing the list of tasks that I had scheduled for Monday morning (all requiring the internet), I spent the time waiting for the repair man (who appeared 1/2 hour after the 4-hour window they had given us for when he would appear). By the time he fixed the problem, my day was behind and I had to leave to do other things. Absolutely none of those went according to plan either. Everything I did was 2 steps forward and 14 steps back. I told my husband when I got home last night that it felt like I was trying to run in quicksand! I was motivated, engaged, ready to get things done, but just could not get it all to come together.
Today started out much the same. Even though I finally had an internet connection, my computer just decided it didn't want to work right. Period. And the work schedule that I had laid out for today had to be changed to accomodate other things. Good things, but other things. Not what I had planned. I like to accomplish things. I like it when things go according to plan. I was frustrated. Irritated. Crabby...

But we had a CONVERSATION, my husband and I. Brief. To the point. But perspective changing. We took a moment to remind ourselves (or more accurately he reminded me) of things that we and others around us have experienced this year. A reminder that some are still going through those things. Big things. Anxiety-inducing, sometimes life-threatening, definitely life-changing things. Moments and days that cause you to pause and re-evaluate your life and priorities. Things that make you wish that your problems were as simple as just having a computer problem or not having a schedule go according to plan. The type of life events that, once you're through them, you vow that you'll never take the little things for granted again. You're thankful just to experience ordinary days, minor frustrations and all. And then. Life continues on and, while you don't necessarily forget, the feeling fades.

So. I've been reminded once again. Reminded to be thankful. Grateful. Glad that, even if it sometimes feels like I'm running in quicksand, at least I can run. To appreciate every moment: the good, the bad, the fulfilling, the frustrating, the funny, the not-so-funny, the spectacular, and the just plain old "ordinary" moments of life.
Hope you're having an awesomely ordinary day. My plan is to be back tomorrow with a decorating post. If the plan doesn't work out? No worries... :-)