So what did you think of the whole Wordless Wednesday thing? I'm not typically super chatty Kathy anyways (at least not on this blog :-) ), but I have to admit it was hard not to say ANYTHING at all!
Moving on.
Unexpected Art. This image below really appeals to me for some reason. I'm absolutely sure it's the gallery wall at the head of the bed that's doing it for me, even though I really like the pillow and the pops of pink too. I also really *like the way they balanced the right side of the grouping with the longer... okay here's the question, the longer what? Is it actually a piece of art or is it a white board with squiggles? I'm thinking it's a white board. Right? If you're not into white boards, I still think this whole gallery wall layout is one to copy. (*to clarify, I like the way they used a longer piece on the right to balance the left, but I'm thinking my personal preference would definitely be to use something besides a white board to get the same balance.)

Art in unexpected places. I saw this image on Family Circle's website, with the suggestion to hang your photographs or artwork in unexpected places, like a door. I like it!

Photo David Prince
The Amanda Nisbet image at the beginning of this post is from my Art In Unexpected Places post that I did last October. Check it out if you're looking for more inspiration.
Hope you have an outstanding day! (trying to come up with different words besides good or awesome or fabulous. Open to suggestions :-) )