Dining Chairs and Tables - Numbers you can use

THIS POST IS FROM ROOM REMIX - THE BLOG Midwest Living Greg Scheidemann

I've done posts about dining chairs several times (usually in regard to mismatching them!), but I realized the other day that we've never really talked about some of the more practical details. It might come in especially handy if you are mixing and matching your table and chairs and buying from various sources. So just in case you're headed out to your flea market this weekend, this post includes a few numbers that might help. They're just general guidelines, but hopefully something some of you can use.

Interior Design by Ashley Putnam Lonny Magazine

Round tables are really great for conversation and, depending on the room, sometimes they just fit the space better. I have one and I love it.

myhomeideas.com Photo Peter Murdock

House Beautiful photo: Frances Janisch

houseandhome Photo Michael Graydon

Southern Accents Photo Erica George Dines

Thank you, too, to those who commented on my post yesterday! I was thinking there was a slim possibility I wasn't the only one :-), but I really appreciated the confirmation.

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