Questions & Answers

I'm not slacking! I guest posting again
today for the lovely, Persis, of
Miles of Style. I would love for
you to visit me!

Poppies And Sunshine tagged me in a little
question and answer game yesterday. Some
of her questions were tough!

Question 1) If you could live anywhere in the world
where would you live?

My answer: Paris!
The reasons are endless!
The architecture, the museums, the
shopping, the food, the culture!

Question 2) Who is your favorite band or singer?
Answer: Sarah Mclachlan

3) Question If you could be anyone for a day who would
you be?

O.k., this one was tough. I couldn't honestly think of one
person I would want to be. I wish I could have come
up with something interesting but the truth is, although
my life is not always perfect, I am content and love the
people in my life and am grateful for all I have
been blessed with. I am happy just being me.

Question 4) Concert or Broadway play?
Answer: Broadway play! There is
nothing quite like live theatre

I am torn between Wicked and Phantom
as my all time favorites, (although Mama
Mia was great too)! I can't choose!

5) What is your life's theme song?

What instantly came to mind is
"Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"
by Cindi Lauper! Lets face it,
girls really do just wanna have
fun & we should!

6) Would you prefer a fancy dinner or a
picnic in the park?

A park in the picnic would be my preference
every time! A picnic in Paris would be
even better! Sometimes fancy dinners
stress me out, I hate pretentious settings.

7) What is your favorite place to shop?

Those of you who have been following
me for any length of time will know
this one!
It's a tie between Sephora and Anthropologie
If they put a Sephora inside of an Anthropologie I
would just have to move in!

Question 8) What is your favorite movie?

I love Billy Elliot, (which was fantastic on Broadway
as well)! Have you seen it? The language is bad if
you are easily offended but it is about going after your
dreams and sacrifices. The message is moving and
the acting fantastic ~ I laugh and cry every time I
watch it!

Now, to tag eight bloggers!

MacKenzie @ Design Darling

Here are my 8 questions for you lovely ladies:

1) What is the most interesting trip you have taken?

2) What is you favorite item of clothing? Why?

3) What is the funniest thing that you have experienced?

4) If you could speak to one type of animal what would it be?

5) What would you ask said animal?

6) Who has made the biggest impact on your life?

7) What was your favorite childhood tradition?

8) What was your biggest decorating faux pas?

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photos courtesy of me, martha stewart, sephora, house to home,
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